The Way We Get By

Smallville spoilers
Fall 04-05 TV Guide
Their A Part of Me

Welcome to the page for Smallville spoilers.
WARNING: if you dont want to know what's gonna happen in the episode go back to the Smallville home page.

NOTE: Spoilers are just rumors and speculation that leaked out. Some could be false, or incomplete. Though the sources are very credible (KryptonSite) please do not be suprised if they're not exaclty like listed.

airs: Sept 22, 04
guest stars: Erica Durance (Louis Lane), Jensen Ackles (Jason)
- the episode opens in Egpyt. someone has found an egyptian son god Ra. suddeny a man steps out wearing a white suit blacklit by the sun.
- Louis is in her car, she's lost and trying to push the Onstar button. Suddenly theirs a strike of lightening (Clark?)
-The next scene is in the Smallville hospital, Louis takes Clark in and is trying to get him help, she says she thinks he was hit by lightning. She says she dosen't know who is he because he has amnesia.
- Clark catches a reflection of himself in a mirror, for what looks like the first time, this causes him to drop the blanket that was wrapped around him, and Louis to remark that he may need a gown first.
-Lex lies in a chamber of a jet, assumably recovering from the poisin, and the pilot sees something unfirmilair (to obvious to be Clark).
-Lex is traveling to Egypt and he instructs a man named Tariq to hide all evidence of him being here.
- The next season is kind of hazy, if its true it means Chloe really is alive (which is quite possibly seeing she's listed as a series regular again this season, it could have been she faked her death). The scene has her in the Torch office and she's sending a email to Clark that says "Please find out who did this Clark, you're the only one who can."
- Martha visits Jonathan in the hospital.
- (this scene pops up a lot so it is very very likely that it will show up) Louis is visiting Chloe's grave and putting plastic flowers (there appears to be a reason why their plastic) on it. Clark shows up and she remarks that she's glad he's gotten over the clothing- optional part of thier relationship, "I'm suprised you remembered me at all."
- Lana meets a guy from Metropolis in Europe. He's an American college junior, described as "handsome and broad shouldered" and will definately serve to open up Lana a little bit. He's a stubborn and independant heir to a Metropolis fortune.
- Lana makes a comment to Jason "I thought leaving Smallville would give the answers I've been looking for. But now I think they were their all along."
- Theirs something to do with Jason either leaving a message on Lana's mahine or leaving her a note that says "We'll always have Paris."
- At one point Lana pulls off her shirt and stares at her naked back in the mirror and a tatoo on it (Obviously it's part of the new "carefree" look that The WB has mentioned, no idea if Jason is still in the room for that part or not)
4.2: Gone
airs: Sept 29, 04
gs: Erica Durance (Louis Lane)
- A convict attacks Lionel in his shower at the Metropolis Mens Correctional Facility. The man is young and muscular, and covered in tatoos. Lionel fights back but it stabbed by the convict, blood gushes.
- Lex empties his liquor cabinet into the sink (likely to prevent a repeat of what happened in the third finale). He turns around and is suprised to find Lana.
- General Sam Lane (Louis's father) makes his first appearance on Smallville. He tells Louis "We had an agreement, you were suppost to stay away from the crime scene." He also tells her he's been transferred to Fort Ryan so he could head their training program. She responds, "so you could keep an eye on me."
- Jonathan (presumably ok now) invites the General over for dinner. Mentions something about "He's a four star general, he deserves respect."
- Clark does not like Sam and says something about landing his helicopter wherever he wants is "extreme parenting." (We're assumign he's reffering to Sam landing a helicopter down in Smallville somewhere to check up on Louis.)
- Sam turns down the dinner invite and wants Louis to come back with him to the fort, Louis says bye by giving Clark a hug.
- Later, Clark and Sam are at the base and Clark is going through the Sam's stuff. When the general walks in, Louis turns on Clark and trys to play it like she just walked in on Clark going through the stuff, but the he dosen't buy it. He says Louis is a bad influence, and wants to know what they're up to or "you're gonna wish you never stepped foot on my base."
-Louis has a fight with Sam and says that she never had friends because he could never stop being a general. He responds by saying, "It might help if you would pick friends that didn't break into my office."
- Lionel is in the infirmary at the prison. A man named Trent tells him that "Lex led me to straight to her." Were not sure who Chloe is, but the Trent tells Lionel to "ante up or Lex and the star of your little show will testify tommorrow." Lionel then threatens "make sure her silence is permanent this time." (We're thinking that this might be Chloe, being that she was killed suspisiously last season, and since she's still on the cast list for this season, we're guessing she's alive and that Lionel was responsible for the whole house blowing up thing."
- Once again no idea about this one, some spoilers are taken out of context (so you don't know what exactly's going on, you just understand snipets) and this is one of them:
A guard tells Chloe "you have a visiot, " and you think it's Lex. Lex is recieving some kind of dialysis but brushes off the nurse when it's time to do it. "This is not a lunch date you can be fashionably late too." (Personally we're thinking their both in the hospital, that Chloe's in there for injuries from the house, and that Lex is doing outpatient dialysis.)
- Clark finds one of General Sam's cigar butts in Lex' jet. Ineresting....

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