The Days
From first glance, The Days may seem like just another mediocre attempt
for TV to capture real life drama. It is sort of, but not as much mediocre. The show consists of 5 major players:Jack Day(David
Newsom), a businessman dad working for a pharamceutical company. In the 1st episode, he grows tired of being
unhappy and abruptly quits his job. Next is Abby Day(Margeurite McIntyre), the mom who just recently has ventured back
into the work force working at an advertising agency. She finds out she's pregnant, and throws everyone for a loop. Then there's
the 3 kids, Natalie(Laura Ramsey), a semi-popular soccer star,Cooper(Ethan Peterson), a rebellious hardrocker, and Nathan(Zach
Maurer),a somewhat sheltered kid who suffers panic attacks. For their drama, Natalie finds out she's pregnant by her football-star
boyfriend, Cooper punchs out the boyfriend and gets suspended, and Nathan has a panic attack during his entrance exams for
a very prestigious school. Cooper, the eyes, ears, and voice of the show, has an online journal where he tells the story of
each day by saying how many days he has left until graduation. I hope that ABC agrees to carry the show for several seasons,
because it seems to have potential, like "My So-Called Life" and "Freaks and Geeks" throw into the mainstream.