After the sudden death of his wife, famous brain surgeon Andy Brown decides to fufill her last wish, to move himself
and his two kids from New York City to the small town of Everwood, Colorado. At first his relationship with his teenage son
Ephram was rocky to say the least because he still blamed his father for never being there during his childhood.
The Browns dealt with a lot in the first season, mainly drama and finally the death of Colin, a sort of small town hero
in the town.After a serious car wreck he was put into a coma, where he remained for several months.When the Browns moved to
Everwood, his girlfriend Amy befriended Ephram with the hopes that Dr. Brown would operate on Colin. When he does Dr. Brown
becomes the town hero and Colin was saved, for the time being. When the Colin starts to have problems again the town refuses
to admit their living miracle is dying and realize their mistake too late. Though Dr. Borwn preforms another surgery, he holds
to Colin's last wishes and dosen't bring him back when he looses counsiouness during surgery, because he didn't want to become
a vedgetable.
In the second season the Brown family has a whole new set of harships to deal with. Both the Brown men take on daring
relationships. Ephram starts one with his little sister Delia's twenty year old babysitter and trouble ensues when Dr. Abbott's
(Amy's dad, and the other town doctor) sister moves back to town and instantly becomes the object of Dr. Brown's affection,
which proves more difficult when her HIV status is revealed. But while the Brown family is full of relationship problems,
Amy has a slew of a different kind. Battling depression over Colin's death she starts on anti-depressants which only adds
more fuel to the fire. Her home life suffers and causes her to runaway and end up living with her grandparents. Her new boyfriend,
Tommy, an ex-drug dealer gets her involved in drugs and alcohol.
Now Everwood must leave the past problems behind and resolve their new ones.
You love theirday job on Everwood now find out what they working on on the side.
Treat Williams (Dr. Brown): Miss Congeniality
2 (05) with Sandra Bullock
Gregory Smith (Ephram): Kids in America
(04) with Nicole Richie and Cailtin Wachs, Nearing Grace (05)
Emily Vancamp (Amy): A Different Loyalty
(04) with Sharon Stone, The Ring 2 (04) with Naomi Watts
Tom Amandes (Dr.Abbot): Dirty Deeds
(04) with Lacey Chabert
Sarah Lancaster (Madison): the new TV show "Dr.Vegas"
Marcia Cross (Dr. Linda Abbott): the new TV show "Desperate Housewives" on
Paul Wasilewski (Tommy): The Last Run (04), Cloud Nine (05) with Burt Reynolds
Gregory Smith (Ephram), Treat Williams (Dr. Andrew Brown),
Emily Vancamp (Amy Abott), Chris Pratt (Bright Abbott)
Stephanie Niznik (Nina Feeney), Vivien Cardone (Delia Brown)
Debra Mooney (Edna Harper), John Beasely (Irv Harper)
Tom Amandes (Dr. Harold Abbott)
Sarah Lancaster (Madison), Paul Wasilewski (Tommy), Nora Zehetner (Laynie), Marcia Cross (Dr. Linda Abbott)

The Day is Done ( 2nd Season Finale)
Airs: May 10, 04
Cliffhangers: Ephram tells Amy he loves her but he has to go to Julliard, and that he hopes she'll be there when he gets
back. But when he boards the plane to New York, Amy's in the seat next to his.She goes with him, set to stay 10 days.
Another recent development is since Dr. Abbott can't open his practice again he is offered a partnership by Dr. Brown. Them
two in business together? That'll be some drama. The most dramatic development however has to do with Madison. She confides
in Dr. Brown that she's pregnant with Ephram's child. Dr. Brown responds suprising however by telling her she is not to tell
Ephram. He offers her a lifetime of financial security in exchange for leaving town quietly. At first she seems
to think it's wrong not to tell Ephram, but then after a heartfelt speech from Andy, she seems to consider it. What will she
do? Sarah Lancaster who plays Madison just landed a regular role on a new fall show, so we're betting that the fate of Madisons
and Ephrams child will rest intertwined in the fate of the new tv show.
The third season of Everwood will premiere on Mon, Sept. 13 at it's usual time.
Season One of Everwood will be available on DVD Sept 7th of this year, with all 21
You can see Emily Vancamp in this falls The Ring 2, she has a good size role playing
a girl whose boyfriend died (sound familiar?) after watching the tape.